Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

Home > Catalogue > People > Charles Samuel Keene (related works) > YMSM 038 > Edmond Duranty

Edmond Duranty

Nationality: French
Date of birth: 1833
Date of death: 1880
Category: critic


Louis-Émile Edmond Duranty was a novelist, collector and art critic.


A champion of Realism and Impressionism, and a close friend of Degas, Manet, Courbet whom he met through Emile Zola, Duranty was the subject of a great portrait by Degas (Portrait de M. Duranty, 1879). With Jules Assézat (1832–76) and Dr Jean-Baptiste-Henri Thulié (1832–1916), he was a leading figure behind the literary journal Réalisme. He also wrote for the Paris-Journal from 1869 to 1872 and criticism for the Chronique des arts, Gazette des beaux-arts and Les Beaux-arts illustrés. Duranty's La nouvelle peinture (1876) was influential and makes explicit references to Degas' subject matter. His other works include Les Combats de Françoise du Quesnoy (1872); Le Pays des Arts (1877) and Les six barons de Septfontaine (1878).


Monneret, S., L'Impressionisme et son époque, Paris, 1978-79; Marcussen, Marianne, 'Louis(-Emile)-Edmond Duranty', Grove Dictionary of Art Online,, (accessed 8 June 2004).